The Legal Check-up
How do you treat your customer?
The "Legal Check-up" is a program of legal advice for a fixed period (from 01 to 06 months), developed by the firm conducted by the law firm Parajara Advocacia e Consultoria, which is based on a framework of actions established and performed based on the specific needs of each client, using compliance and labor auditing techniques.
Some advantages of this product:
Increased legal security;
Improvement of the Labor Relations rules;
Legal Awareness of Leadership;
Reduce organizational risks under current laws;
Between others.
Our deliveries?
In addition to all Legal Analysis and Diagnosis of organizational improvements for your company, you will receive technical development actions and training from the team.
WoW factor!?
Deadline for starting, developing and closing the necessary actions.
Eduardo Parajara
Consultor Jurídico Trabalhista

O Direito Trabalhista aplicado para melhoria das relações humanas na sua empresa.