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Do you really know how your business is doing?

By applying a Climate Survey in your company, you will give your employees a voice and listen, understanding how each one understands the organizational objectives, relationships between leaders and colleagues, serves customers and suppliers, in addition to analyzing the degree of satisfaction with remuneration , benefits, physical environment, and a series of other fundamental issues for good organizational performance.

Some advantages of the product:

  • Productivity increase;

  • Greater team satisfaction;

  • Prevent or solve problems;

  • Improve the company's image;

  • Identify sectors with bottlenecks;

  • Set goals with a vision of the whole and more.

Our deliveries?


In addition to all graphical analysis of each issue and sector, you will receive a report with opportunities for improvement with an analytical view of our team.

WoW factor!?

All our Organizational Climate Survey processes are designed in an exclusive way to meet each company with speed and customization.



Do you really know how your business is doing?

By applying a Climate Survey in your company, you will give your employees a voice and listen, understanding how each one understands the organizational objectives, relationships between leaders and colleagues, serves customers and suppliers, in addition to analyzing the degree of satisfaction with remuneration , benefits, physical environment, and a series of other fundamental issues for good organizational performance.

Some advantages of the product:

  • Productivity increase;

  • Greater team satisfaction;

  • Prevent or solve problems;

  • Improve the company's image;

  • Identify sectors with bottlenecks;

  • Set goals with a vision of the whole and more.

Our deliveries?


In addition to all graphical analysis of each issue and sector, you will receive a report with opportunities for improvement with an analytical view of our team.

WoW factor!?

All our Organizational Climate Survey processes are designed in an exclusive way to meet each company with speed and customization.



Estabelecimento da Estrutura Organizacional antes de entrar nos detalhes de qualquer função ou obrigações específicas, é essencial obter clareza sobre a estrutura organizacional em vigor. 

Definição de Responsabilidades - uma vez estabelecida a estrutura organizacional e determinados quais cargos são necessários para compô-la, o próximo passo é detalhar e definir as responsabilidades associadas a cada cargo.

Pesquisa de Remuneração - para decidir sobre os salários a serem oferecidos a cada colaborador, é crucial conduzir uma pesquisa salarial. Isso implica em investigar o que o mercado está oferecendo aos profissionais que desempenham funções semelhantes ou idênticas às que foram delineadas para a empresa.

Política e Estrutura Salarial -  é importante revisar a estrutura e determinar como a remuneração será estruturada. Nesta fase, você pode definir os salários para cada cargo, bem como determinar as diferenças (se houver) entre os salários para vagas de nível júnior, pleno e sênior, por exemplo.

Implementação - após a conclusão de todo o processo de estruturação de cargos, definição de responsabilidades e remuneração, a estrutura resultante precisa ser implementada, capacitando líderes e responsáveis.

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